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Episode guide
Episode guide


#1 Girl who overcame time, #2 The sacred jewel, #3 Down the rabbit hole and back agian, #4 Yura of the demon hair, #5 Arstocratic assassian, #6 The phantom sword, #7 Showdown! Inuyasha Vs Sesshomaru, #8 The toad who would be prince, #9 The hnder brothers and shippo, #10 Phantom showdow, #11 The curse of the ancient noh mask, #12 The soul piper and the mischievous litle soul, #13 Black haired Inuyasha, #14 Kikyo's stolen ashes, #15 Return of kikyo, #16 Mystical hand of the amorous monk, Miroku, #17 THe cursed ink of the painter from hell, #18 Naraku and Sesshomaru join forces, #19 Go back to your own time Kagome!, #20 The mystery of Onigumo, #21 naraku's true identity, #22 The soul of Kikyo, #23 Kagome's voice and Kikyo's kiss, #24 Enter Sango, The demon hunter, #25 Naraku's insidious plot, #26 Secrets of the jewel of four souls reveled,#27 Lake of the evil water god, #28 A dangerous trap, #29 Sango's suffering, #30 Tetsusaiga is stolen, #31 Jinenji, kind but sad, #32 KIkyo and Inuyasha are in trouble, #33 Captured Kikyo and Naraku, #34 Tetsusaiga and tenseiga, #35 The true master, #36 THe wolf demon Koga, #37 In love with Kagome, #38 Two hearts one mind, #39 Duel to the death, #40 Deadly trap of the wind sorceress Kagura, #41 Kagura's dance, #42 The wind scar defeated, #43 Tetsusaiga Breaks #44 Kaijinbo's evil sword, #45 Sesshomaru wields tokijin, #46 Juromaru and Kageromaru, #47 Onigumo's heart still beats within Naraku, #48 Where we first met, #49 Kohaku's lost memories, #50 The face that can't be forgotten, #51 Inuyasha's davoured soul, #52 The unstopable demon Inuyasha, #53 Father's old enemy, #54 The backlash wave, #55 Stone flowers and Shippo's first love, #56 Temtress in the mist, #57 Fateful night part 1, #58 Fateful night part 2, #59 Apprentics, #60 the 50 year curse of the dark priestess, #61 Kikyo and the priestess, #62 the dark priestess's evil spell, #63 Red and White, #64 Giant orge, #65 so long days of my youth, #66 Naraku's barrier--Kagura's decision, #67 Howling wind of betrayal, #68 Shippo recives an angry challange, #69 Faceless man, #70 Onigumo's memories, # 71 Three sided battle to the death, #72 Totosai's training, #73 Shiori's family, #74 Red Tetsusaiga breaks the barier, #75 Panther Devas, #76 Target: Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, #77 The Panther Tribe and the two swords of the fang, #78 Only you, Sango, #79 Jaken's plan to steal the tetsugia, #80 Sesshomaru and the abducted Rin, #81Vanishing point, Naraku disappers, #82 Gap between the ages, #83 The female wolf demon and the lunar rainbow promise, #84 Koga's bride to be, #85 The evil within the demon's head castle, #86 Secret of the possessed princess, #87 Kikyo's lonely journey, #88 The three spirits of the monkey god, #89 Nursing battle of rival lovers, #90 Sota falls in love, #91 The suspicious faith healer and the black Kirara, #92 Plot of the walking dead, #93 The mysterious lecherous monk, #94 The sacared jewel maker, Part 1, #95 the sacared jewel maker, Part 2, #96 Jaken falls 3, #97 Kirara come home, #98 Kikyo and Kagome: Alone in the cave, #99 Sesshomaru and Koga : a dangerous encouter, #100  Truth behind the nightmare: Battle in the forest of sorrow, #101 The snow from seven years past, #102 Assualt n the wolf demon tribe, #103 The band of seven, Resurrected, #104 The stealthy poison master:Mukotsu, #105 The ghastly steel machine, #106 Kagome, Miroku, Sango: desprate situation, #107 InuYasha shows his tears for the first time, #108 The secret of pure light, #109 Hidden in the mist: onward to Mt.Hakure, #110 Enter Bankotsu, the leader of the band of seven, #111 The big clash: Banryu Vs. the wind scar, #112 Afloat on the lake surface; The barrier of Hijirl island, #113 The scared vajra and the mystery of the living buddha, #114 Koga's solitary battle, # 115 Lured by the black light, #116 The exsposed face of truth, #117 Vanished in a river of flames, #118 In to the depths of Mt. Hakure, #119 Divine malice of the saint, #120 Fare thee well: Jakotsu's requiem, #121 final battle: The last amd strongest of the band of seven, #122 The power of Banryu:Duel to the death on Mt. Hakure, #123 Beyond the darkness Naraku reborn, #124 Farewell Kikyo my beloved, #125 The darkness in Kagome's heart, #126 Transform heartache into courage, #127 Don't boil it! The terrifying dried-up demon, #128 Battle agianst the dried-up demons at the cultural festival, #129 Chokyukai and the abducted bride, #130 Shippo's new technique, The heart scar, #131 Trap of the cursed wall hanging, #132 Miroku's most dangerous confession, #133 The women who loved Sesshomaru, Part 1, #134 The women who loved Sesshomaru, Part 2, #135 The last banquet of Miroku's master, #136 A strange invisable demon appears, #137 An ancestor named Kagome, #138 Mountain of demons:survial of the duo, #139 The graet duel at shoun falls, #140 Eternal love, thenaginata of kenkon, #141 Entai, The horse demon unleashed, #142 untamed Entai and horrible Hakudoshi, #143 3000 leagues in serch for father, #144 Hosenki and the last shard, #145 Bizarre gaurds at the boarder of the afterlife, #146 The fiery bird master: Princess Abi, #147 The tragic love song of destiny part 1, #148 The tragic love song of destiny part 2